Thursday, September 29, 2016

A massive case of the gits...

Just a quick update with a link to my github profile. I've been told by those in the software industry that version control is somewhat important.

In other news I'm making my way through's bonfires and I imagine that those will be the first things I actually upload to my repository... or far more likely the entire contents of my desktop when I manage to bungle the path :).

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hi and welcome to the blog that I'm using to track my progress learning how to code and work with the big wide world of electronics! I'm a rank amateur but it's all about improvement, right?

Instead of saying where I'm at and how I'm progressing please read this as if I was a rank amateur (which, spoiler, I am!)

Thanks for your interest and hopefully I can get something interesting than this intro post to get you to stick around!